The Funderbeam Venture Index is a Price Return Index reflecting changes in the market price of tradable companies equity instruments during a trading day. The objective of the index is to represent the overall state and changes in the level of the early-stage private growth companies, while this is not intended to be an investable index. Since there is no filtering for liquidity, the index itself may not be easy to replicate in a portfolio or benchmark.
The founder and CEO of Funderbeam Kaidi Ruusalepp, said that Funderbeam’s mission has always been growing liquidity to the private growth asset class. “The index marks an important milestone in the development of the exchange, with a continued focus on adding larger companies alongside investors from across the globe. The index represents a milestone in the maturity of our marketplace and demonstrates our ability to provide the best tools to make better investment decisions. In the future, tradable indexes will follow,” said Ruusalepp.
The Funderbeam Venture Index was originally set to a base value of 1000.00, calculation period began on January 1, 2019, and will be updated on a real-time basis.
In 2016, Funderbeam launched its trading platform to give secondary market liquidity to early-stage growth investors. Once the company’s equity funding round closes on the Funderbeam fundraising platform, investors may trade securities on the marketplace. The Funderbeam Marketplace offers direct auto-match trading, allowing buyers and sellers to interact with one another 24/7, 365 days a year without the need for brokers or other third parties via a fully regulated trading platform. Trade settlement has been revolutionised with a T+10 minutes cycle offered every day. Funderbeam operates in Europe and Singapore, whilst also covering neighbouring countries in the ASEAN region.
Today Funderbeam marketplace serves investors from 130 countries and companies from Europe and Asia. It has traded more than €5M on its exchange and has regulatory approvals both from FCA (UK) and MAS (Singapore). A month ago, Funderbeam introduced a revolutionary T+10 minutes settlement in their trading; disintermediated exchange business model enables global reach and scale. Funderbeam has offices in London, Singapore, Copenhagen, Tallinn and Zagreb