Fintech companies are in 'a full-scale battle for talent'

Fintech companies are in ‘a full-scale battle for talent’ — here are the hardest...

By Oscar Williams-Grut LONDON — Britain's booming fintech sector is facing a skills shortage, according to exclusive data provided to Business Insider, with many job listings going unfilled after two months. Data from job listing site...
China invierte más de US$10.000 millones en tecnología financiera

China invierte más de US$10.000 millones en tecnología financiera

Las inversiones chinas en tecnología financiera este año podrían superar los US$ 10,000 millones récord del 2016 a medida que las empresas continúan recaudando fondos financiar planes de expansión y los grandes bancos aumentan...
Los proyectos fintech más prometedores de España

Los proyectos fintech más prometedores de España

By Mará Gómez Silva «Fintech», el neologismo creado a partir de los vocablos ingleses «finance» (finanzas, en español) y «technology» (tecnología), se refiere a la actividad a partir de la cual las empresas utilizan las...
The Fantastic Flowering Field Of Fintech

The Fantastic Flowering Field Of Fintech

The term “Fintech” is an extremely broad term, as the field has exploded as of recent times. And the following infographic was meant to cover the field in a broad sense, there are many...
Inside the Royal Bank of Canada’s machine-learning labs

Inside the Royal Bank of Canada’s machine-learning labs

By Suman Bhattacharyya As consumer banking becomes increasingly virtual, banks are setting the bar high for their non-human ambassadors. Machines will soon be able to carry out many autonomous thinking tasks once performed by humans, including...
A México le urge una Ley Fintech: Banregio

A México le urge una Ley Fintech: Banregio

By Erick Zuñiga México necesita ya las reformas que pretenden regular a las empresas financieras tecnológicas, conocidas como Ley Fintech, ante la importancia y crecimiento de estas compañías en el país. Sin duda el paso...
Interview: The FinTech Customer Centric Model: Better, Cheaper, Faster

Interview: The FinTech Customer Centric Model: Better, Cheaper, Faster

By Wendy Glavin, Founder & CEO, Wendy Glavin Agency Last December, while consulting, I spoke with Jim Eckstein, CEO of TradeRocket, a FinTech startup. Prior to our call, I researched and learned everything I could,...

Where Smart Money VCs Are Placing Bets in Fintech in One Market Map

In 2016, there were 831 investments to VC-backed fintech startups, just shy of 2015′s record 848 investments. Top VC investors in the category participated in 187 deals worth approximately $5.97B from 2015-2016. Though overall investment pace slowed...
UNIR, premiada por desarrollar una seguridad pionera para su campus online

UNIR, premiada por desarrollar una seguridad pionera para su campus online

Los correos electrónicos, la cuenta bancaria, los trámites fiscales, el acceso a los datos sanitarios… Cada vez son más las gestiones que realizamos vía Internet y que requieren de infinidad de claves, contraseñas y...
There’s finally a commercial use for blockchain tech in finance

There’s finally a commercial use for blockchain tech in finance

By Joon Ian Wong The idea of using blockchain—the technology underpinning the bitcoin cryptocurrency—has gripped the imagination of financial institutions all over the world. One report from Spanish megabank Santander says banks could save up...