Tokyo Metropolitan Government to publish the ‘Asset Managers & FinTech Companies Registration Guidebook’, a revised practical guide for foreign financial companies to successfully enter the market in Tokyo


The Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG), in cooperation with the private sector and national government, is working to make the Global Financial City: Tokyo Vision a reality by continuing to improve the business environment in order to attract foreign financial firms.

As part of these efforts, in cooperation with the Financial Services Agency (FSA), TMG created an English guidebook in September of 2017 to easily explain the laws and regulations related to Japans financial industry and the procedures for registration as a financial instruments business operator.

In light of changes in the environment surrounding international finance as a whole and taking into account the needs of overseas asset managers and FinTech companies that are considering expanding into the Japan market, TMG is pleased to announce the release of an updated version of our English language guide: the Asset Managers & FinTech Companies Registration Guidebook: Practical guidance to successfully enter the market.

 1. Contents include:

(1) The Appeal of Tokyo and Japans Financial Market

(2) Initiatives by the FSA, TMG, and other organizations to Attract Foreign Financial Firms

(3) Registration and Market Entry for Asset Managers

(4) Registration and Market Entry for FinTech Companies

(5) Procedures Leading Up to Starting Operations

 2. Major Revisions

Enhanced content related to initiatives by the FSA, TMG and other organizations to attract foreign financial companies to Japan

Addition of case studies of foreign financial companies that have obtained licenses with support from TMG

Newly listed financial license types and explanations for FinTech companies

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